
Title Long Name Textual Protein Subtype Expression Species Identifier Aliquot Price Add to cart
ATG7 Ubiquitin baculovirus Human DU40180 0.1mg
ATP citrate lyase (1 - 1101) Substrate bacteria Human DU2461 0.1mg
ATX3-L   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU23069 0.1mg
ATXN1 (1 - 765)   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU31668 0.1mg
ATXN3   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU35448 0.1mg
ATXN3L (1 - 355)   ataxin 3 like Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU23070 0.1mg
Aurora A (2 - 403)   aurora kinase A Kinase bacteria Human DU4174 0.1mg
Aurora B (1 - 344)   aurora kinase B Kinase baculovirus Human DU1773 0.1mg
Aurora B (1 - 344), Incenp (826 - 919)   aurora kinase B + inner centromere protein Kinase bacteria Both Human DU1773,DU930 0.1mg
Aurora C (2 - 309)   aurora kinase C Kinase baculovirus Human DU4009 0.1mg
Aurora C (2 - 309), Incenp (826 - 919) Kinase bacteria Both Human DU4009,DU930 0.1mg
B-Raf (2 - 766)   B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase Kinase baculovirus Human DU15484 0.1mg
B-Raf [V600E] (2 - 766)   B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase Kinase baculovirus Human DU15485 0.1mg
BACH1 (1 - 736)   BTB domain and CNC homolog 1 Substrate bacteria Human DU29467 0.1mg
BAP1 (1 - 240)   BRCA1 associated protein 1 Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU63658 0.1mg
BAP1 (1 - 729)   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU12809 0.1mg
Beta-Catenin (2 - 1011) Substrate bacteria Human DU1105 0.1mg
BIRC2   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU32469 0.1mg
BIRC3   Ubiquitin bacteria Human DU32417 0.1mg
BLK (1 - 505)   BLK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase Kinase baculovirus Human DU35196 0.1mg