
Title Full Name Immuno Sequence Mono/Poly clonal Sheep Number Aliquot Price Add to cart
UVRAG   UVRAG phospho Ser 550 KITSLSSS*LDTSLD [residues 543 - 556 of human] Polyclonal S307D 0.1mg
VAPB   VAPB (1 - 210) His-VAPB (1 - 210) [SC 21759] Polyclonal R2986 0.1mg
VAPB   VAPB (1 - 210) His-VAPB (1 - 210) [SC 21759] Polyclonal R2987 0.1mg
VASP VASP GST-HA-VASP [DU 1550] Polyclonal S407B 0.1mg
VASP VASP-like (401 - 415) IIDAIRQELSGISTT [residues 401 - 415 of human] Polyclonal S341B 0.1mg
VASP VASP-like (1 - 18) SEQSICQARASVMVYDDT [residues 1 - 18 of human] Polyclonal S341B 0.1mg
VPS26A   VPS26A (1 - 327) GST-VPS26A (1 - 327) [DU 62328] Polyclonal SA605 0.1mg
VPS26B   VPS26B (1 - 336) GST-VPS26B (1 - 336) [DU 62361] Polyclonal SA612 0.1mg
VPS33b VPS33b (106 - 123) GRTRKYKVIFSPQKFYAC [residues 106 - 123 of human] Polyclonal S751A 0.1mg
VPS33b VPS33b (494 - 507) CIPRVDGEYDLKVPR [residues 494 - 507 of human] Polyclonal S751A 0.1mg
VPS34 VPS34 (871 - 887) AVVEQIHKFAQYWRK [residues 871 - 887 of human] Polyclonal S355B 0.1mg
VPS34 VPS34 phospho Ser 282 RSLRSGPS*DHDL [residues 275 - 286 of human] Polyclonal S375C 0.1mg
VPS34 VPS34 His-HA-VPS34 [DU 3303] (Accession number NP_002638] Polyclonal S672B 0.1mg
VPS34 VPS34 phospho Ser 851 KFRLDLS*DEEAV [residues 845 - 856 of human] Polyclonal S354B 0.1mg
WDR4 WDR4 GST-WDR4 Polyclonal S126B 0.1mg
WDR4 WDR4 MBP-WDR4 Polyclonal S293B 0.1mg
WNK1 WNK1 (1657 - 1677) NNVNPLHQPPHPVSSQIPPQA [residues 1657- 1677of C. elegans] Polyclonal S816B 0.1mg
WNK1   WNK1 (2360 - 2382) CDDDQNFNISNLQKSISNPPGSNLRTT [residues 2360 - 2382 of human Polyclonal S650C 0.1mg
WNK1   WNK1 (61 - 661) GST-WNK1 (61 - 661) Polyclonal S079B 0.1mg
WNK1   WNK1 phospho Ser 382 KRASFAKS*VIGTPEF [residues 375 - 389 of human WNK1] Polyclonal S099B 0.1mg