
Title Full Name Immuno Sequence Mono/Poly clonal Sheep Number Aliquot Price Add to cart
WNK4 WNK4 (2 - 23) LASPATETTVLMSQTEADLALR [residues 2 - 23 of human] Polyclonal S064B 0.1mg
WNK4 WNK4 phospho Ser 47 RRARRFS*GKAEPRPR [residues 41 - 55 of human] Polyclonal S158B 0.1mg
WNK4 antibody WNK4 antibody Polyclonal 0.1mg
WNT3 WNT3 GST-WNT3 Polyclonal S391B 0.1mg
YBCP1 YBCP1 (157 - 170) KSSPSGITHVIASN [residues 157- 170 of human] Polyclonal S574B 0.1mg
YBCP1 YBCP1-N GST-YBCP1-N Polyclonal S482B 0.1mg
YBCP1 YBCP1 (994 - 1006) KSHKETTIVHTDW [residues 994 - 1006 of human] Polyclonal S024C 0.1mg
YBCP1 YBCP1-N2 GST-YBCP1-N2 Polyclonal S522B 0.1mg
ZBTB8 ZBTB8 ZBTB8 (GST cleaved) [DU 11921] Polyclonal S380C 0.1mg
ZNF 216 ZNF 216 ZNF 216 (GST cleaved) [DU 8901] Polyclonal S108C 0.1mg
ZNRF1   GST-ZNRF1 GST-ZNRF1 [DU 33621] Polyclonal S219D 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 phospho Ser 113 CSSGPYGS*QDSVHS [residues 107 - 119 of human] Polyclonal S957C 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 phospho Ser 145 CPRLVIGS*LPAHLSP [residues 139 - 152 of human] Polyclonal S613C 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 (mouse) GST-ZNRF2 (mouse) DU 36367 Polyclonal S098D 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 phospho Ser 19 CGRTRAYS*GSDLPS [residues 13 - 25 of human] Polyclonal S611C 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 (GST cleaved) GST cleaved ZNRF [DU 16232] Polyclonal S617C 0.1mg
ZNRF2 ZNRF2 phsopho Ser 82 CAAPRSRS*LGGAVG [residues 76 - 88 of human] Polyclonal S612C 0.1mg
ZUFSP ZUFSP (1 - 578) GST-ZUFSP (1 - 578) [DU 59309] Polyclonal SA558 0.1mg