
Title Full Name Immuno Sequence Mono/Poly clonal Sheep Number Aliquot Price Add to cart
PRAK   PRAK His-PRAK [DU 1853] Polyclonal S509B 0.1mg
PRAK   PRAK (458 - 471) KQVIEEQTTSHESQ [residues 458 - 471 of human] Polyclonal S805 0.1mg
PRAS40 PRAS40 (167 - 181) CSVPPASALPTQQYA [residues 167 - 181 of human + N-terminal cysteine for coupling] Polyclonal S115B 0.1mg
PRAS40 PRAS40 phospho Thr 246 CRPRLNT*SDFQK [residues 240 - 251 of human + N-terminal cysteine for coupling] Polyclonal S114B 0.1mg
PRAS40 PRAS40 (238 - 256) DLPRPRLNTSDFQKLKRKY [residues 238 - 256 of human] Polyclonal S115B 0.1mg
PRK2   PRK2 (927 - 951) KKVKPPFIPTIRGREDVSNFDDEFT [residues 927 - 951 of human] Polyclonal S018A 0.1mg
PRK2   PRK2 phospho Thr 958 TSEAPILT*PPREPRI [residues 951 - 965 of human] Polyclonal S194A 0.1mg
PRK2   PRK2 phospho Thr 816 YGDRTST*FCGTPEF [residues 810 - 823 of human] Polyclonal S067A 0.1mg
PRK2   PRK2 phospho Thr 816 YGDRTST*FCGTPEF [residues 810 - 823 of human] Polyclonal S454A 0.1mg
PROTOR PROTOR1 phospho Ser 282 GTSIRRHS*VSEMTS [residues 275 - 291 of human] Polyclonal S376C 0.1mg
PROTOR   PROTOR1 GST-PROTOR1 (1 - 388) [DU 10413] [Accession number NM_181333] - Originally named PRR5 Polyclonal S020C 0.1mg
PROTOR PROTOR2 PROTOR2 (GST cleaved) [DU 10607] Polyclonal S136C 0.1mg
PROTOR PROTOR1 phospho Ser 254 NPVVRSKS*YNTPLLN [residues 247 - 261 of human] Polyclonal S371C 0.1mg
PSF1 (mouse) PSF1 (mouse) PSF1 (mouse) [DU 51938] Polyclonal SA312 0.1mg
PSF3 PSF3 (mouse) His-PSF3 (mouse) [DU 24601] Polyclonal S882D 0.1mg
PTEN Phosphatase and tensin homolog TSVT*PDV [residues 363 - 369 of human] Polyclonal S663B 0.1mg
PTEN Phosphatase and tensin homolog TPDVS*DNE [residues 366 - 373 of human] Polyclonal S570B 0.1mg
PTP1B PTP1B phospho Ser 386 LRGAQAAS*PAKGEP [residues 379 - 392 of human] Polyclonal S878A 0.1mg
PTP1B PTP1B phospho Ser 50 RNRYRDVS*PFDHSC [residues 43 - 55 of human + C-terminal Cysteine for coupling] Polyclonal S867A 0.1mg
PTPL1 PTPL1 (1361 - 2060) GST-PTPL1 (1361 - 2060 of mouse) Polyclonal S056C 0.1mg