Title | Full Name | Immuno Sequence | Mono/Poly clonal | Sheep Number | Aliquot | Price | Add to cart |
PTPL1 | PTPL1 phospho D | PTPL1 [residues 2083 - 2485 of human] | Polyclonal | S175B | 0.1mg | £150.00
PTPL1 | PTPL1 (2060 - 2450) | GST-PTPL1 (2060 - 2450 of mouse) | Polyclonal | S057C | 0.1mg | £150.00
PTPL1 | PTPL1 PDZ2 | GST-PTPL1 [residues 1371 - 1467] | Polyclonal | S216B | 0.1mg | £150.00
QIK | QIK (906 - 926) | LFDCEMLDAVDPQHNGYVLVN [residues 906 - 926 of human] | Polyclonal | S228B | 0.1mg | £150.00
QIK | QIK (906 - 926) | LFDCEMLDAVDPQHNGYVLVN [residues 906 - 926 of human] | Polyclonal | S236C | 0.1mg | £150.00
QIK | QIK (1 - 21) | MVMADGPRHLQRGPVRVGFYD [residues 1 - 21 of human] | Polyclonal | S236C | 0.1mg | £150.00
QIK | QIK (1 - 21) | MVMADGPRHLQRGPVRVGFYD [residues 1 - 21 of human] | Polyclonal | S228B | 0.1mg | £150.00
QSK | SIK3 (1349 - 1369) | TDILLSYKHPEVSFSMEQAGV [residues 1349 - 1369 of human] | Polyclonal | S226B | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB10 | RAB10 (1 - 200) | His-RAB10 (1 - 200) [DU 51004] | Polyclonal | SA146 | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB10 | RAB10 (131 - 155) | CTPVKEPNSENVDISSGGGVTGWKSK [residues 131 - 155 of human] | Polyclonal | S945D | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB10 | RAB10 phospho Thr 73 | AGQERFHT*ITTSYYR [residues 66 - 80 of human] | Polyclonal | S873D | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB12 | RAB12 | RAB12 [DU 52221] | Polyclonal | SA227 | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB12 | RAB12 (71 - 103) | CKSTVGVDFKIKTVELRGKKIRLQIWDTAGQER [residues 71 - 103 of human] | Polyclonal | SA100 | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB12 | RAB12 phospho Ser 106 | AGQERFNS*ITSAYYR [residues 99 - 113] | Polyclonal | S876D | 0.1mg | £150.00
Rab13 | Rab13 | MBP-Rab13 [Du 43886] | Polyclonal | S806D | 0.1mg | £150.00
Rab13 | Rab13 phospho Ser 111 | KSIKENAS*AGVERLR [residues 104 - 117 of human] | Polyclonal | S505D | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB1A | RAB1A phospho Ser 114 | CQEIDRYAS*ENVNKLR [residues 107 - 120 of human] | Polyclonal | S817D | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB1B | RAB1B phospho Ser 111 | CQEIDRYAS*ENVNKLR [residues 104 - 118 of human] | Polyclonal | S817D | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB35 | RAB35 | GST-RAB35 [DU 26867] | Polyclonal | SA314 | 0.1mg | £150.00
RAB35 | RAB35 (114 - 144) | CRILVGNKNDDPERKVVETEDAYKFAGQMGI [residues 114 - 144 of human] | Polyclonal | SA101 | 0.1mg | £150.00